Business Agility

Story Writing Fundamentals

Learn what it takes to write effective, customer-centric user stories

In our Story Writing workshop, you will learn the key elements of telling good user and feature stories for various purposes and various stakeholders. This workshop can help you and your team keep the focus on the customer’s experience, enabling you to create clear, concise stories that will improve your chances of getting your message communicated effectively. Better teamwork, customer satisfaction, and business value.

Lean UX Organization and Team Design

Successfully adopt the Lean UX technique for ultimate organization and team collaboration

At iAskc, we specialize in helping teams adopt the Lean UX (User Experience) technique for product and project management. Using a collaborative design approach based on Lean and Agile methodologies, we’ll show you how to connect with your users, work comfortably with iterations, and strategically design your product, project, or service around your customers’ experience. With our help, you’ll be able to streamline your workflow and get better results.

Delivery Pipeline Discovery

Get to faster, more reliable product deployments with the help of our experts

Streamline your product deployments by discovering your ideal delivery pipeline. Quickly find and integrate the best activities, workflows, and integrations to fit your goals. Through automation, achieve faster, more reliable deployments and get fast feedback from your customers. Deliver your best value with the help of the experts at iAskc.


Transformation Design

Design and execute your digital and/or agile transformation using principles and tailored approaches that will last

Transforming How You Work. Is your business currently undergoing or planning for changes and hoping to do it from a lean-agile approach? We are here as your transformation design experts to guide you every step of the way. Design how your work is done using tried-and-true, long-lasting agile strategies. Our services include design thinking workshops, strategy alignment and execution, agile organization design, training and more. 

Agility Health Radar

Get a holistic view of your organization's agile health

Get a holistic view of your organization’s health with Agility Health Radar. This solution is an agile-centric health assessment and reporting tool that enables you to quickly and easily understand and measure where your organization is from an agile perspective. This solution provides you with an agility health score, trends, and a wealth of information and resources to help you improve the agility of your organization, so you can make informed decisions that can positively impact your bottom line.


Feature Design Workshop

Design powerful features that deliver the best customer and business values

This workshop provides the skills you need to get started with feature-driven product development. You will learn how to design features that deliver the best value for your customers and business. With a better understanding about the importance of intentional collaboration between key product development roles, such as product owners & managers, and feature story map participants, our Feature Design workshop helps you build a seamless product development process.

Design Thinking Workshop

In today's competitive world, it's essential to have the ability to think creatively and solve problems–learn how to do just that

Creative problem-solving is key to success in any field! Learn how to develop innovative solutions using collaboration with our Design Thinking workshop. This interactive workshop will teach you how to solve challenges, big or small, using creative methods and thinking. Register now and get started on your path to success!


Program & Feature-Level Kanban Design

Optimize your work by designing your pipeline with this Kanban method for programs and product features

Kanbanize your Work! Effectively manage your day-to-day program and product delivery pipeline workflow using the Kanban method. Our Program & Feature Level Kanban Design solution gives you all the tools you need to optimize your work across various teams. For product managers, engineers, QA (quality assurance) managers, and any other team working on product delivery. 

Value Stream Mapping

Easily visualize your way to product and project success with value stream mapping

Visualize Your Way to Success! Value stream mapping is an important visualization technique for ensuring customer satisfaction. Gain a clear understanding of the current state of your product or project, map out the ideal future state, and identify the steps needed to get there. Value stream mapping will help you identify and eliminate waste in your operations, making your processes more efficient and customer-focused. Ready to get started now?

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